Essay samples12 November 2021

Women’s Rights Essay

Women’s rights have been an issue for hundreds of years. Different religions and cultures have different beliefs surrounding women’s rights. Many societies have struggled through the years with women’s rights. Women have not always had the rights that they have currently. It has been argued that women’s rights are human rights and should be treated the same. Throughout history, women have lacked basic rights such as the right to vote, equal access to education, and the ability to make their own health care decisions. In many cultures, women still do not have these basic rights or freedoms.

The right to vote has been a long journey for many races, religions, and women. Women received the right to vote in the United States in 1920. The right to vote seems like such a small thing, but it really was a giant leap for women in the United States. Even though women have had the right to vote for many years, many women still do not exercise this right. For many women, this may be due to cultural or religious reasons. Women in the United States have fought long and hard to receive the right to participate in the Government through voting. Women receiving the right to vote was a catalyst for many other women’s rights, such as the right to equal educational access.

Access to not only higher education but a basic general education has been something that women have had to fight to obtain. Throughout history, women have hidden their intelligence and passion for education. Even though women’s right to educational access has come a long way, there is still a long way to go. “Harmful practices such as early marriage, gender-based violence, as well as discriminatory education laws and policies still prevent millions of girls from enrolling and completing their respective education” (Karam). This is especially something that Muslim women and girls have experienced in the Middle East and even in other more developed countries. Women deserve to have the same access.

Navigating the healthcare system can be very daunting for many women. “Women face unique challenges over the course of their lifespans regarding their physical health, interactions with the health care system, and roles in society “(Daniel et al.). Women are often misdiagnosed because they show symptoms differently than men. Women have had to struggle and fight for the right to make health care decisions without having to get “permission” from a male family member, especially when it comes to reproductive health. There was a time in the United States where women had to have spousal consent for sterilization procedures. In many cultures and religions, women would not even begin to think about making serious health decisions without consulting with a male family member.

Women have had a long and difficult run ensuring that they receive the same rights as men. Women’s rights are the same as human rights. No person should be barred from basic humans rights based on their gender, race, or religion. Women have come a long way over the years in receiving basic human rights. However, many women are still fighting for these rights due to a variety of reasons. The right to vote, access to education, and making their own healthcare decisions are only a few rights that women have had and will continue to fight to receive.

Works Cited

Daniel, Hilary, et al. “Women’s Health Policy in the United States: An American College of Physicians Position Paper.” Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 168, no. 12, 2018, p. 874.,
Karam, Azza. “Education as the Pathway towards Gender Equality.” United Nations, United Nations,

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Photo by Michelle Ding from Unsplash

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