Writing guides26 March 2024

How to Write a Hypothesis and Formulate It Correctly

We will tell you what a hypothesis is in a dissertation, research paper, or term paper, as well as how to correctly formulate and write it. Also, you will find an example of hypothesis to deal with your own more effectively.

What is a hypothesis of a research paper?

The hypothesis of a research paper is a forecast of the result of the entire project, an assumption of what the final conclusion will be in the paper. Subsequently, the initial assumption is refuted or confirmed. Both are of equal value.

Functions of hypothesis in a dissertation

  1. Generalization of the final results after the observations/studies, their systematization/summation.
  2. Interpretation of the resulting generalizations.
  3. Theoretical/practical substantiation of the assumptions previously put forward.
  4. Planning for future research/experiments.
  5. Summation/generalization of experiments or expansion of empirical data.
  6. Displaying the resulting deductive reasoning.
  7. The direction of the nature of the research (provided that the hypotheses play the role of the object of research).

Types of hypothesis

Hypothesis as a concept is most often used in logic. It has many definitions and classifications, but a graduate student needs to know two main types for high-quality work:

  • A working hypothesis is an assumption at the very beginning of the study, which structures the observations and gives them initial explanations. Such a judgment is temporary and serves only to systematize the available factual material.
  • A scientific hypothesis has a base of already accumulated scientific knowledge and facts. Starting from it, one can develop a scientific theory and later bring the results obtained into methods and technologies.

Forming a hypothesis

The correctness of the definition/formulation of the hypothesis is tested in one of two ways: conducting active experiments on the research topic or identifying the correlation relationship between the quantities, which present scientific interest for the chosen industry. The obtained data are formalized and presented in the conclusion – this approach simplifies summing up the consistency of the hypothesis.

How to start a hypothesis? In order to correctly and without unnecessary information form a research hypothesis, you need to divide the entire process of its development into the following main stages:

  1. Selection of required facts. Before formulating/substantiating a hypothesis, the author of the thesis studies the necessary literary sources – this is necessary to collect the evidence/information base for future research. In the process of preparing facts, the graduate determines the main problem, the degree of its elaboration. When identifying gaps, unresolved parts, it is necessary to make a special emphasis on this in the hypothesis.
  2. Formulating a hypothesis based on the revealed facts. When drafting the text, it is important to take into account the solutions to the problem that exist at the current time. The author is recommended to postpone the final formulation of the hypothesis after writing the theoretical/practical part of the thesis, analyzing the selected aspects, and stating the problem posed.
  3. Substantiating the hypothesis. The task of the student is to reasonably prove or refute the opinion put forward.

Forming a hypothesis in a thesis

Assumptions are not born out of nowhere. After carrying out the necessary amount of research work, conversations with the supervisor, and experiments, new information or a contradiction can be revealed. It is from this contradiction that the original judgment arises. It can be a new solution to the problem in the text.

There are several main methods for its formation:

  • Brainstorming. It is used in the collective search for new ideas and solutions. Its essence lies in stimulating the creative activity of the participants and identifying the largest number of solutions.
  • Association. It is used in transforming previously acquired knowledge.
  • Inversion. The problem is viewed from a new perspective, which has not been previously focused on.

How to write a hypothesis

When writing a scientific assumption for a thesis or coursework, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • Correlate the hypothesis with the rest of the paper. It should be logically connected with the object or phenomenon of the study, as well as with the goal, task, and problematics.
  • Do not use vague language or obvious statements. Try to be specific.
  • In the formulation of the assumption, use the keywords of the topic of the paper.
  • The judgment is based on existing knowledge or does not contradict it.
  • The hypothesis should not be taken as absolute truth. The most correct solution would be to formulate assumptions that require further justification and proof. To give subjectivity to the proposed assumption, one can use such constructions as “there is an assumption that …” or “it is possible to assume that …”

It is allowed to write two hypotheses at once. In the future, one of them can be refuted, and the other can be confirmed.

Templates and clichés for writing a hypothesis

There is a set of certain patterns and clichés. Scientific and methodological literature offer a set of the following template formulations:

  1. Something affects another thing if …
  2. It is assumed that the formation of something becomes effective under specific conditions.
  3. Something will be successful if …
  4. It is assumed that the use of something will increase the level of something else.

Also, to write a judgment, they usually use such constructions as:

– If … then …
– as …
– provided that …

Signs of a correct hypothesis

What a correctly formulated hypothesis should be:

  • It should not include value judgments.
  • It should not contain too many restrictions and assumptions.
  • It should be stylistically constructed and also logically simple.
  • It should not be too abstract or too obvious and banal.
  • It should correspond to already known facts.
  • It can be checked by various methods.

How to work with a hypothesis

Throughout the thesis, the hypothesis plays the role of a reference point that guides the course of your research. You should rely on it throughout the study of the chosen topic, since it is from the initial assumption that certain conclusions must be drawn. Conventionally, work with the development of the initial judgment can be divided into five stages:

  1. Revealing resonant facts and assumptions in an already known topic.
  2. Formulating a judgment based on these statements.
  3. Research of the theory, search for various opinions and statements, followed by analysis and citation.
  4. Application of the found theory in practice: carrying out experiments, performing calculations, and preparing infographics.
  5. Refutation or confirmation of a hypothesis based on the knowledge gained.

Examples of hypothesis

Below are examples of writing hypotheses from real theses:

“Research hypothesis – fairy tale therapy is an effective method for correcting the aggressiveness of preschool children with mental retardation.”

“Research hypothesis: We assume that the prevention of aggressive behavior by means of outdoor games among preschoolers will be successful if:

  1. The content of the classes includes active movements that cause positive emotions in children that enhance all mental and physiological processes.
  2. In the process of conducting games, training is carried out in methods of regulating emotional states, constructive forms of communication, and the formation of moral ideas.
  3. The individual structure of the subjects’ aggressive behavior is considered.”

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Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters from Unsplash

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