Essay topics25 December 2019

Interesting German History Topics to Write On

In this article, we want to share research paper topics for German history with you. If you need to write a history essay about Germany, or plan buying persuasive essay from a trusted service, you will find these topics helpful and interesting. Topics are divided into categories in order to make your choice easier. Check them out, choose one to write your essay on, or come up with a similar idea to write about.

German History Topics on Wars

  1. How did the buildup of militarism and nationalism in Germany lead to the outbreak of world War I?
  2. How did the totalitarian rule in Germany lead to the events of the Holocaust?
  3. The influence of Winston Churchill’s speeches on Germany (such as “A Total Unmitigated Defeat” and “Never Give In!”).
  4. Why did Germany invade the Soviet Union in 1941 (Operation Barbarossa)?
  5. Analyze the impact of Kennan’s long telegram on Americans’ perspectives of Germany, Cuba, and Asia during the Cold War.
  6. Use of propaganda in Germany during WWII to manipulate and scare people into supporting the war.
  7. Women’s role in Nazi Germany and WWII.
  8. How did the War Guilt Clause in the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the emergence of National Socialism in Germany?
  9. What good came out of Nazi Germany during World War II?
  10. The events that led to the unification of Italy and Germany.
  11. How did West German textbooks tell the story of Germany’s role in WWII, including the Holocaust?
  12. Can Neville Chamberlain and those that forged the Munich Agreement be considered “Guilty Men”? Did they have any other choice except to appease Nazi Germany? What do historians think? Suggested sources: Frank McDonough, Hitler, Chamberlain, and Appeasemen.
  13. For what reasons, and with what results, was Germany a center of Cold War tension between 1945-1961?
  14. Battle of Stalingrad: Factors that led to Germany’s loss.
  15. Why did Germany attack Poland in September of 1939?
  16. A divided Germany and how it affected the Cold War.
  17. As WWII unfolded, which enemy posed the greater threat to American interests: Germany or Japan?
  18. Research, using your text and other sources, the social, political, and economic conditions in Germany during the Weimar Republic that contributed to Hitler’s rise to power with the NSDP.
  19. The Third Reich. Cover the Nazi regime in Germany, 1933-45, and the historical developments that led to it.
  20. How did conflict and war lead to the construction of strong nation-states in Italy, Germany, and the United States?
  21. Discuss anti-Jewish laws, discrimination, and violence in Nazi Germany before World War II.
  22. How important was the war at sea in the defeat of Germany in World War I?
  23. Who was more responsible for starting WWII: Germany, or Britain and France?
  24. List and briefly describe two ways in which Germany’s perspective on the Treaty of Versailles’ War Guilt Clause contributed to the events of WWII.
  25. The causes of the religious war in Germany.
  26. Why was Nazi Germany defeated? What was the role of the Allied Powers in this defeat, and to what degree was the end of the Third Reich a result of more than just military intervention? In other words, is it possible that the ideology of Nazism greatly contributed to its defeat? Discuss.
  27. Attitude differences between Japan and Germany after WWII.
  28. To what extent was Germany to blame for causing WWI?
  29. Did Germany start WWI?
  30. Discuss the significance of monumentality in Nazi Germany and in Russia under Stalin.

Persuasive Adolf Hitler Essay Topics

  1. Hitler and his rise to power in Germany.
  2. How did propaganda help Hitler succeed?
  3. Hitler’s suicide.
  4. Hitler and the Nazis’ influence on art.
  5. Hitler’s invasion of Russia in “Animal Farm.”
  6. How did Adolf Hitler become so powerful?
  7. Why was Hitler a great leader?
  8. Parallels between Hitler and the “Harry Potter” character Lord Voldemort.
  9. Which was morally worse, Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union?
  10. Was Hitler Germany’s savior or a self-serving maniac?
  11. How did the great thinkers of the time help set the table for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party? (How did he get into power? How was the table set for him? How/why could it have been one of the other great political leaders in Germany at the time?)
  12. Which factors made it possible for Adolf Hitler to rise to power in post-WWI Germany?
  13. How and why did Hitler come to power in Germany? Were the conditions imposed on Germany by the treaty of Versailles responsible for the rise of Hitler? Was the great depression the primary reason for the rise of the Nazis? Do historians agree?
  14. Consider the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany during the inter-war period (1918-1939). What issues contributed to this rise to power and to the political agenda they sponsored?
  15. What gave Adolf Hitler his greatest support in his rise to power?
  16. Based on your viewing of the documentary “The Goebbels Experiment” and your reading of Mark Mazower’s “Hitler’s Empire,” write an essay on the use of propaganda in the Third Reich. Be sure you use quotes from both sources in the course of the essay.
  17. How did Hitler persuade the German people using nationalism and propaganda?
  18. Describe the catalysts that allowed Adolf Hitler to resurrect the German empire after World War I. What made him such an effective motivator?
  19. Banned books by Hitler based around “All Quiet on the Western Front.” Why did he ban the book and writer?
  20. Consider the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany during the inter-war period (1918-1939). What issues contributed to this rise to power and to the political agenda they sponsored?
  21. To what extent were Hitler and Stalin affected by the political climate of their respective societies prior to World War I?
  22. Hitler’s execution of Nazi generals in WWII.
  23. Why did world leaders appease Hitler’s actions?
  24. How did Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich use art as propaganda during World War II?
  25. Conspiracy theories of Adolf Hitler’s death.
  26. Why did Hitler feel it was necessary that the world needed to be cleansed of Jews?
  27. Comparison of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler in terms of leadership styles, decisions, and similarities of the two leaders.
  28. How far can Adolf Hitler be considered solely responsible for the outbreak of World War II?
  29. Why did Hitler use the secret police on the German people?
  30. How did Hitler and his policies push young people to create the Hitler Youth organization?
  31. How did Hitler affect WWI?
  32. Hitler’s effect on Britain.
  33. Did Hitler escape to Argentina? Discuss this conspiracy theory.

Argumentative Topics About Adolf Hitler

  1. How did Hitler finance his war?
  2. The effect of Hitler’s antisemitism on history.
  3. Hitler vs Stalin: who was worse?
  4. How did Hitler get people to do what they did?
  5. How did the great thinkers of the time help set the table for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party?
  6. To what extent was Hitler able to manipulate the German people to accept his leadership from 1933 – 1945?
  7. Why was Hitler able to become chancellor on January of 1933?
  8. “The Holocaust only occurred because of Hitler’s ideas about race.” To what extent is this statement true?
  9. How can history account for the rise to power of dictators like Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler?
  10. Was Hitler incredibly smart?
  11. Was Adolf Hitler evil but not monstrous?
  12. Compare Adolf Hitler to Napoleon Bonaparte.
  13. Was Hitler justified in aim of killing Jews?
  14. Evaluate the contributions to the rise to power of Hitler of each of the following: National Socialist ideology, the use of force, underestimation by opponents, and economic crises.
  15. Argue for or against a conspiracy on Hitler.
  16. Was Hitler a good man before he came to power?
  17. Was Adolf Hitler more of a capitalist than a socialist?
  18. Similarities and differences of art and propaganda under Hitler and Stalin.
  19. Hitler’s impact on the European economy.
  20. What economic policies and factors enabled Hitler’s rise to power?
  21. Hitler’s weaknesses and strengths in WWII.
  22. If Hitler asked you to electrocute someone, would you?
  23. How did Hitler establish a dictatorship?
  24. What happened to all the Hitler supporters after the war?
  25. What are Hitler’s ideas on race and war?

Berlin War Topics

  1. The Berlin Wall’s effect on Germany’s economy.
  2. Discuss the creation of the Berlin Wall. Why did the Soviet Union cling to their portion of Germany more so than the “western” powers following World War II? How was the wall a physical, symbolic, and political entity during the Cold War?
  3. The memory of Nazi Germany in Berlin during the Cold War.
  4. Adolf Hitler’s master plan for the rebuilding of Berlin.
  5. How did Berlin change after WWII?
  6. In what ways was Nazi Berlin a “racial” city?
  7. What is the significance of the youth in Nazi Berlin?
  8. How were Jews treated in Berlin during WWII?
  9. How did Berlin change during WWII?
  10. What happened to Berlin after WWII?

Compare and Contrast German History Topics

  1. Compare two (Germany, Soviet Union) totalitarian regimes from before World War II. How are they different? In what ways are they similar?
  2. Compare and contrast the views of Russia and Germany on WWII.
  3. Compare the development of tanks in Germany and the USA during the Second World War.
  4. Compare the practice of eugenics in USA and Germany.
  5. Compare the propaganda material and techniques used in the recruitment campaigns in Britain and Germany during the Great War.
  6. Are the differences between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany greater than the similarities?
  7. Why did the USA and Germany respond to economic crisis in different ways?
  8. Compare and contrast the governments’ attitudes and treatment of “enemies of the people” in Germany and the Soviet Union before and during the Second World War.
  9. Compare and contrast the industrial revolutions in Britain and Germany.
  10. Contrast the impact of nationalism in Germany and the Austrian Empire from 1848 to 1914.
  11. Compare the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany, and Japan.

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