Paper topics01 August 2020

Case Study Topics for Different Disciplines

We offer you to check out these case study topics for school students, college students, and university students. If you are obliged to write a case study, they will come in handy for you. You can find ideas for different disciplines below. We at EssayBulls have found great topics that you can use for your writing. Look at them right now!

Environmental Engineering Case Study Topics

  1. Road transport in the city: problems and solutions.
  2. Nitrogen as an essential nutrient.
  3. Analysis of water quality and the condition of the city’s water intake facilities.
  4. Analysis of drinking water in the city and the effect on health.
  5. The anthropogenic impact on the vital activity of bees in the territory.
  6. Nuclear power – pros and cons.
  7. Bioindication studies of areas with varying degrees of air pollution.
  8. Bioindication of gas and smoke pollution according to the state of pine needles.
  9. Soil bioindication.
  10. Types of water pollution and purification methods based on physical phenomena.
  11. The effect of ionizing radiation on living organisms.
  12. Clarification of contamination by the electromagnetic smog of the human environment.
  13. Air pollution from exhaust gas.
  14. Pollution and environmental protection in gas industry enterprises.
  15. Studying the environmental impact of the road on the example of a specific area.
  16. A comprehensive survey of the environmental condition of the street.
  17. Research methods of the ecological state of the river and its use in the assessment of the anthropogenic impact.
  18. Nanotechnology: the ecological future.
  19. Assessment of traffic flow intensity and its impact on the state of atmospheric air in a specific area of the city and region.
  20. The use of microfertilizers as an effective way of disposing household waste (in a specific area).
  21. Comparative analysis of biological methods for assessing air quality using lichen.
  22. Municipal solid waste: environmental problems and possible solutions.
  23. Ecological and geographical consequences of the construction of hydropower plants.

Software Engineering Case Study Topics

  1. The concept of continuous software integration. Support systems for continuous integration. TeamCity, Jenkins (Hudson) – functionality, configuration, and use.
  2. Software development life cycle: waterfall and iteration model.
  3. Software life cycle: component-based model, life cycle stages.
  4. UP (unified process): definition of requirements.
  5. Software design.
  6. Modularity: coheshion and coupling.
  7. Development through testing (TDD). Behavior based development (BDD). Support systems TDD and BDD (Cucumber, SpecFlow).
  8. Flexible development methodologies, extreme programming methodology, and scrum.
  9. Version control systems (VCS) software: history, types of VCS, modern VCS: SVN, GIT, and Mercurial.
  10. Principles and approaches to team software development.

Software Project Management Case Study Topics

  1. Methodological foundations of the management of high-tech projects and programs.
  2. Administrative guidance for the management of programs and projects.
  3. Strategic project portfolio management.
  4. Classification of projects and programs into categories.
  5. Life cycles of high-tech projects.
  6. The lock-step process of the life cycle of project of a new product development.
  7. The dynamics of the project environment.
  8. Measurement of project management ROI
  9. Use of real and educational projects for staff education and training.
  10. Reengineering of integrated project processes.

Case Study Topics for Civil Engineering

  1. Dynamic calculation of reinforced concrete structures taking into account elastoplastic deformations of reinforcement and concrete along sections coinciding with the direction field of cracks.
  2. The durability of stone structures of architectural monuments in the post-restoration period.
  3. Engineering method for calculating the natural lighting of rail transport (luminous surface method).
  4. Development of a system of engineering equipment for rural public buildings with a single energy input.
  5. Greenhouse building and ways to improve their construction and operational qualities.
  6. Thermal efficiency of panel walls of buildings from expanded porous clay aggregate.
  7. Sound insulation of laminated plates of limited sizes with an intermediate vibration damping layer.
  8. Optimization of material consumption and functional efficiency of protective structures of NPP buildings.
  9. Improving the reliability of electrical networks of residential buildings.
  10. Development and implementation of methods for the optimal organization of heat engineering equipment of buildings.

Embedded System Case Study Topics

  1. Characteristic features of an embedded operating system.
  2. Benefits of the Windows Embedded platform.
  3. Difference between Windows Embedded operating systems.
  4. Difference between Windows, Windows XP, Windows XP Embedded, and Windows Embedded.
  5. Difference between Windows CE and Windows Mobile-based smartphones and PDAs.
  6. Features of Windows Embedded for Point of Service.
  7. Features of the Windows Automotive Operating System.
  8. Features of QNX Real Time Operating System.
  9. Components of the QNX system.
  10. RTOS-32 architecture components.

Marketing Project Topics With Case Study

  1. Information marketing systems.
  2. Market research methods.
  3. Company product policy and product distribution.
  4. Types of marketing strategies.
  5. Network marketing: essence, value, and prospects.
  6. Market segments and product positioning in the market.
  7. Marketing technologies in the promotion of wholesale sales.
  8. Marketing management.
  9. Marketing approach to the development of a new product in the enterprise.
  10. The basics of banking marketing.

Professional Ethics Case Study Topics

  1. Business card labels.
  2. Types of business gifts.
  3. Business dispute concept.
  4. Types of business letters and rules for writing them.
  5. Rules of appeals and representations when communicating by phone.
  6. Ethics for inviting guests.
  7. The concept of international etiquette (diplomatic protocol, functions of the diplomatic protocol, business protocol).
  8. Some features of national etiquette (consider the example of two countries in comparison).
  9. The appearance of a business person (demeanor, image, appearance).
  10. Rules for preparing and conducting business conversations and public speaking.

Case Study Topics in Nursing

  1. Ways to present the best patient care.
  2. Prevention of cross-infection of nurses at St. Luke’s Hospital in Anua.
  3. Knowledge and practice of standard precautions among nurses.
  4. Knowledge and attitude towards the prevention of pregnancy-induced hypertension among women.
  5. Professional stress among nurses.
  6. Paperless health reports towards an effective university health care system.
  7. The impact of culture on health services.
  8. Attitude of nurses to terminally ill patients.

These case study topics for college students can be helpful for anyone. If you choose one of them, but don’t know how to write a case study, then place an order on Our writers create great projects that win customers’ love. Make the right decisions and buy a case study from us!

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