Essay samples16 February 2020

Hitler a Great Leader Essay

Adolf Hitler is one of the most infamous historical phenomena; some call him an evil incarnate, whereas others try to understand how one man could acquire such enormous influence. However wicked his motives were, it is undeniable that Hitler was a powerful leader possessing effective means to gain control over millions of people.

Hitler was, first and foremost, a charismatic speaker convincing enough to make Germans accept his beliefs and turn them into national values. His claim, “I have no equal in the art of persuading the masses,” was probably correct. Exceptional oratory skills helped Hitler join the German Worker’s Party and eventually seize full control over it. He always composed his speeches himself and carefully corrected them multiple times (Loebs).

The second indispensable tool Hitler used was propaganda, with repetition being its fundamental principle (Loebs). With the help of media and communications, he brainwashed the whole nation into thinking alike. Special attention was paid to German youth, the main target for the propaganda messages. The young generation was turned onto Nazism both through education and extracurricular activities in the organizations like The Hitler Youth (“Shaping the Future: Indoctrinating Youth”).

Finally, Hitler was a socially intelligent leader who was informed about the current situation in the country. Discontentment among the Germans grew after World War I, unemployment was astronomical, and the economy was in turmoil. Hitler began the construction of the autobahns and a program of public works, which created workplaces for thousands of men (“Nazi Economic, Social and Racial Policy”). He knew that for people to follow him, he had to make them feel good.

All in all, we can say that Hitler is a perfect example of the limitless power of personality. Even though he left his nation nothing to be proud of, we should admit that his approach to leadership was effective enough to change the course of history.

Works Cited

Loebs, Bruce. “Hitler’s Rhetorical Theory.” Relevant Rhetoric: A New Journal of Rhetorical Studies, vol. 1, Spring 2010,’s%20Rhetorical%20Theory.pdf. Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.
“Nazi Economic, Social and Racial Policy.” BBC News, BBC, Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.
“Shaping the Future: Indoctrinating Youth.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.

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