Writing guides09 January 2021

An Ultimate Guide: How to Format a Personal Statement

The structure of a personal statement has evolved over the past years. Today, many students doubt about the content and organization of a personal statement, so they need to know more tips about creating them correctly. Since the University and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) has new requirements on how to title a personal statement and develop the story, students should consider this information mindfully. Therefore, reading the following guide, you will find the top aspects every student should know about how to format a personal statement efficiently.

How to Head a Personal Statement

The heading is the start of the personal statement paper. It can be on the left or right side at the top corner of the page. Here, students enter their name in the first line, the name of the company or educational institute in the next line, and the date in the last.

For example, this type of personal statement header students can use for submitting entries for scholarships:

John Walsh
University of California Los Angeles
October 5, 2020

The other way on how to head a personal statement is to add the name of the company where you want to get a job position:

Annie Walker
Google LLC
October 1, 2020

How to Title a Personal Statement

The title is the next step in completing the personal statement structure. Except for the ordinary “Personal Statement,” try to come up with something unique. Try to keep the personal statement title concise and short, but original and hooking. Students should pay more attention to creating a good title for their personal statements because it tells readers the main characteristics of your individuality.

These three examples show how to title a personal statement creatively:

1. Never Stop Growing

This title is a good start for a personal statement because the author can focus on events and situations that brought them to self-development.

2. Changes Are the Best Lessons in Life

The author of this title can be brave to reveal different life moments that changed their viewpoint to the strong position of a valuable professional or learner.

3. Gratitude to What Made Me Who I Am

With this title, the author directly speaks to the reader about various life stages that led them to who they are today. This title also helps the reader to perceive the author as a positive person because gratitude is so rarely expressed in life.

How to Format a Personal Statement Outstandingly

The personal statement is a type of text written in a relatively informal language that differs from CV requirements. It is easy to explain by the purpose of the personal statement itself, and it impacts the style of this text. Beyond the achievements students include in a CV, a personal statement helps admission officers or hiring managers to know more about them as applicants.

So, how to format a personal statement to make it readable and fulfilling? Firstly, consider that it has no more than three paragraphs, where the first paragraph introduces the applicant. The second paragraph is for describing previous experience and specific interests relating to the field of study. The third paragraph is for personal gratitude to people who can recommend you as a specialist.

Moreover, the author of the personal statement needs to think about style seriously. For example, you can select chronological, functional, targeted, or combined types of personal statements. You can present education, extracurricular activities, working experience with skills, and achievements in reverse chronological order under each category in the chronological statement. The functional type organizes your skills and accomplishments into job task groupings that support your stated professional objective. The targeted version of the statement focuses on a specific position or job, presenting the applicant’s capabilities supporting this position and eliminating all unrelated information.

The ultimate solution on how to format a personal statement successfully is to select a combined type of presentation. This will help the reader to understand your motivation to study or work from various aspects.

Get Professional Help on How to Format a Personal Statement

When the editing process approaches, students usually ask: “How to format a personal statement concisely and keep engaging readers?” Make sure your narrative does not contain overwhelming passages. Also, explain everything with concise and straightforward sentences with a built-in logical chain. But if you feel that you need to get writing assistance, EssayBulls has a team of writers that will cover your educational needs.

Students who want to use this service never regret the result. Our writers get well-written samples, including essays, personal statements, and other types of papers that comply with their requests. Appl for personal statement help from us any time you feel writer’s block.

Photo by Tabeajaichhalt from Pixabay

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