Essay topics21 September 2019

Get a Good Grade for Your Pollution Essay Using This Guide

What Is a Pollution Essay?

A pollution essay is an essay that contains a viewpoint on this particular ecological topic. Currently, people are constantly talking about environmental pollution. It is good that there are organizations that inform our views on this ecological catastrophe. Each of us should think about the problem, and make at least a small contribution to improve the air condition by planting trees and flowers. Also, such an essay should include information on how to prevent the pollution.

How to Write an Essay About Pollution

  1. Write an introduction. It should present the background of the topic and include a thesis statement. For example, you can start like this: “In the age of computerization and information technology, we create everything for ourselves in order to facilitate and improve work, and to learn the unknown secrets of nature. Some inventions useful in labor pollute the environment.”
  2. Write the body paragraphs. They should include arguments and evidence. Each paragraph should contain a new idea and a topic sentence that presents this idea. For example, a body paragraph of a causes of pollution essay may look like this: “Conquering space, there is the destruction of the ozone layer, which protects our planet from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This causes a carcinogenic effect, and people often begin to suffer from various dangerous diseases.”
  3. Write a conclusion. Don’t include new information; instead, restate the introduction. For example, you can end your essay in this way: “For some reason, people forget that they are completely dependent on the environment. Everyone should know what the consequences are if people continue to pollute nature. It is time for us to think about it and start acting.”
  4. Proofread and edit your essay. Correct all of the mistakes. If you are not good at editing, ask someone to read your paper through and indicate your mistakes.

Tips for Writing an Air Pollution Essay

  • When you are writing an essay about air pollution, it is important to indicate the causes of pollution. For example: “Causes of pollution include emissions and activities of industrial facilities, car exhaust, radioactive objects, agriculture, and household and industrial waste. During the combustion of fuel, waste, and other substances, combustion products enter the air, which significantly worsen the atmosphere.”
  • Also, to write a quality air pollution essay, it is important to include the consequences of pollution. Check the following examples:
    – During the combustion of various types of fuel, carbon dioxide is released into the air. Along with other greenhouse gases, it generates a dangerous phenomenon for our planet called the greenhouse effect. This leads to the destruction of the ozone layer, which in turn protects our planet from intense exposure of ultraviolet rays. This inevitably leads to global warming and climate change.
    – One of the consequences of carbon dioxide accumulation and global warming is the melting of glaciers. As a result, the water level of the World Ocean rises, and further flooding of islands and coastal zones of continents can occur. In some areas, flooding will be a constant occurrence. Plants, animals, and people will die.
    – Polluting the air, various elements fall to the ground in the form of acid rain. These sediments fall into water bodies, changing the composition of water, and this causes the death of flora and fauna in rivers and lakes.
  • You need to write about how people can solve the problem of pollution. For example: “What is the way out? It is impossible to return people to the Middle Ages. The only way out which I see is to solve this problem not only at the state levels in programs for the improvement of ecology and pollution control, and also for each of us to start from ourselves. Stop littering, gradually switch to biomaterials, become more respectful of nature – and only in this way, by uniting, mankind will keep Earth clean.”

Films to Help Write a Pollution Essay

We offer you a selection of ecofilms that are worth seeing if you are going to write an essay about pollution.

“The Green Beautiful.” The director is Coline Serreau.
It is a light, and sometimes naive, comedy about a different, non-human world outlook, in which all living things are one with the planet. The film is unofficially banned in Europe.
“Trashed.” The director is Candida Brady.
The filmmakers study the danger of pollution of the earth, air, and water by waste and the effect of this pollution on the food chain and the environment.
“Home.” The director is Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
“Home” is an incredibly beautiful movie on our planet and how humanity affects it.
“No Impact Man: The Documentary.” The director is Laura Gabbert.
This is a film about the experiment of the writer and internet blogger Colin Beavan. During the year, he and his family lived in New York in an eco-friendly manner, trying to escape from consumer society and, more importantly, trying not to adversely affect the environment.
• “The Story of Stuff.” The director is Louis Fox.
This is a 20-minute film about the main stages of the life cycle model of consumer items: the procurement of materials, the production and sale of goods, and their consumption and disposal.
“The Human Footprint.” The director is Nick Watts.
The film was created by National Geographic. The story is about what trace each of us leaves on the face of the planet.
“Plastic Bag.” The director is Ramin Bahrani.
The plot is simple – a plastic bag goes in search of his lost owner, who was everything for him. He explores the world on this journey.
“Earth 2100.” The director is Rudy Bednar.
It is the story of a girl born into a world hungry for natural resources. The film simulates all the difficulties through which a person will have to go if he or she does not cease to adversely affect the climate.
“Ecopolis.” The director is Joe Murray.
The film tells about the innovations of the most ecological cities in the world.
• “Forks Over Knives.” The director is Lee Fulkerson.
The film is about the benefits of the transition to vegetarian foods.

Essay Topics About Pollution

We have gathered topics about air pollution to help you come up with your own idea, or you can choose one and write your essay on it.

  1. Describe a few causes of the air pollution in Taiwan. List two solutions and explain how they will help improve the air condition (for example, people should take public transportation more often to decrease carbon emission from motor vehicles).
  2. Air pollution and the urban heat island that Denver, Colorado has become.
  3. What are the costs of air pollution in Ontario?
  4. Has the EPA done enough for air pollution?
  5. Effects of air pollution on urban children’s health.
  6. Air pollution in Beijing.
  7. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) as an effect of air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley.
  8. Exposures to fine particulate air pollution and respiratory outcomes in adults using two national datasets: a cross-sectional study.
  9. Describe air pollution and why it is such a big problem today. Include what causes air pollution and what kind of health problems it creates. Also, include new methods being used to decrease the hazardous affects.
  10. Review the principle air pollution laws passed in the state of California during the past 25 years which have attempted to improve air quality statewide. How effective have these laws been? Are the costs of these laws justifiable by the benefits to public health and the environmental and aesthetic improvements they produce?
  11. Effects of air pollution in China on lung cancer incidence: how is the smog in China related to the rise of lung cancer incidence and mortality?
  12. Highlight the effect of air pollution on the deterioration of historical monuments – for example, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
  13. What effects could the air quality in your area have on lung health? What could be done to improve air quality in your area?
  14. Air pollution in San Joaquin Valley: causes, impact, and mitigation strategies.
  15. Air pollution in Saudi Arabia.
  16. Air pollution and the effects of acid rain.
  17. Electric cars as a solution for air pollution in major countries in Europe.
  18. The link between air pollution and dementia/Alzheimer’s disease.
  19. Should China take serious steps to curb air pollution and carbon emission?
  20. Restricting air travel is the most effective method of reducing air pollution. To what extent do you agree?
  21. Air pollution in Bangladesh caused by factory work.
  22. NGOs in the air and chemical pollution policy in Canada.
  23. Provide a critique on the flaws within US air pollution regulations and how states can play a positive role.

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