Writing guides06 May 2020

Entertainment Speech About Life in Different Situations

An entertainment speech about life does not contain a purpose other than that which lies in its very name. It alone must entertain and amuse the listener. One could say that its goal is simply to maintain the listener’s attention and interest, but what is meant here is that entertainment is the end goal in itself.

You often hear this type of speech at a banquet and in different situations where people spend time in pleasant communication. It will contain a joke and a serious thought to consider, both truth and fiction. It has humor, a lot of personal experience, irony, as well as a mocking seriousness, caricature, and exaggeration. Find out on how to write an entertainment speech from the guide prepared by our essay writing service.

Types of Speech to Entertain About Life

The varieties of entertaining speeches are comic and dramatic speeches (a narration with an exciting plot).

  • If it is assumed that the speech will be humorous, it is worth considering joking about the habits, lifestyle, and behavior of people in general or a certain relevant group. Exaggerations in the description of ordinary situations or personal qualities are permissible; an ironic display of the flip side of what you are talking about is appropriate. It is advisable to resort to a sudden denouement. You can use historical jokes – funny stories that have happened to great people.

If you decide against using the comic speech, it can be a story or a description of an event known to you or you personally experienced – for example, a story about hunting, fishing, a scientific expedition, a visit to a factory or film studio, or a story about some exciting event, such as helping with floods, fires, climbing mountains, or swimming into the depths of the sea.

The story must contain an episode related to danger and struggle, elements of drama. The dramatic elements in a speech are conflict, expectation, and denouement. Such stories can be presented in the first person, in the present tense. This gives the impression that the event takes place with the audience, creating the “effect of complicity.”

The most important genres of the entertaining speech: table talk and toast.

  • Table talk is a speech spoken at official, especially diplomatic, receptions. It is full of friendly feelings, and such a speech is business and political in nature and rarely differs from socio-political eloquence.
  • Toast is another matter – it is part of folklore, a centuries-old activity. It even permits some commendable exaggeration in assessments, and praise is appropriate, but any critical note is contraindicated for the toast.

Heartfelt feelings, wishes of health, well-being, and success in everything invariably determine the intonation of such a speech.

Structure of Entertainment Speech About Life of a Student

In order for the entertainment speech to achieve its goal and not leave anyone indifferent, it is built on a structure according to a plan of content.

  1. The introduction should attract attention, interest, establish contact with the audience, and give an idea of the topic with a brief description of what is going to be talked about further.
  2. The main part of the entertainment speech is the presentation of the material itself, which includes the use of facts and logical evidence. It is here where a student should talk about his or her life.
  3. The conclusion is intended to summarize and generalize what has been said, emphasize the main idea, draw conclusions, and inspire listeners.

It is advisable to be creative on the composition in your work. Keeping a clear sequence and consistency of its elements, it is important not to lose individual style.

Entertainment Speech About School Life: What to Remember

A student who is going to present a speech should possess a beautiful, strong voice and be nicely spoken. It is helpful if the speaker has previous experience of public oration. When developing the text of the speech, do not overdo the volume of the text – you should remember that all who are listening to you came to the event not only to listen to your speech. The best option would be a performance that will not last longer than 3-4 minutes.

The speaker should remember that a speech about school should be in the first-person plural, as it should convey gratitude from all graduates. It will be wonderful to utilize humor, metaphors, epithets, or some other rhetorical devices for the speech. They will make it brighter and more saturated, and also help to keep the attention of listeners.

The following entertainment speech examples about life as a student can be used to prepare your speech.

Entertainment speech sample about life in school that praises teachers

“Congratulations to all graduates who have passed such a long path to adult life. We are sincerely grateful to our teachers for the knowledge invested in us. Although we sometimes were upset and offended by your words, we want to say that we value your work! Thank you for the support and valuable tips that we will keep with us for life! A bright future waits for us, but we will never forget what you have done for us, dear teachers! Thank you for teaching us how to be decent people, we really appreciate it! It was you who showed each of us the right path in life, and thankfully we now know which path we will go!”

Entertainment speech about high school life with words of gratitude

“Dear teachers and graduates. Today, we have to take one of the most significant steps in our lives: saying goodbye to our school. The best years are behind us – a carefree childhood and youth – and further studies and work are waiting for us. We believe that the best show of thanks to our teachers on our part would be the life wisdom we’ve cultivated from the seeds of knowledge that you sowed in our hearts. And today we part with the school, to which we owe so much, and our teachers, who, with the same dedication, devoted all their strength to our upbringing and education.

Therefore, on behalf of all graduates today, I should say: thank you, school, and dear teachers.”

Almost everyone will have to face writing an entertainment speech at some point. If you have some problems with this type of writing, we suggest you to get write my paper for me help from EssayBulls.com. If you need to write an entertainment speech about college life or any other type of speech, don’t hesitate to place an order right now!

Photo by Fotocitizen from Pixabay

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