Samples15 June 2020

Job Farewell Speech Sample

I stood there looking at my reflection in the mirror. It is really true, I thought. I will not be seeing them again and have to structure my life as someone else’s teacher. Suddenly, a rush of memories came flooding from the first introductions to the most powerful trips we have taken. No matter the memory that came before my eyes, I know standing there that this is forever a special bunch of kids, and this will forever be tucked in my heart.

As I began thinking about my last three months with a group of students I have known for two years, it was suddenly all real. Soon, we would have to say goodbye to each other. I was moving across the country and these kids would stay put. Kids that learned so much, made so much progress, and formed deep, lasting bonds for a lifetime with their families. A farewell speech was in order. When I told my class that I was leaving, the class fell silent and simply repeated, “so you will not be here next year?” My heart fell heavy, and I kept thinking: how would I part ways with all of them?

And so fast forward three months, I stood before my special bunch of kids. The next few minutes made the feelings all real and justified when I read my speech aloud to them. It went like this:

Dear class,

You have been extremely special, and I want you to know that you are ready. Ready for the next challenges, because I have witnessed all of your progress. I want you to believe in yourself, trust that you can navigate the world, open your hearts to more, and stand out. I am the luckiest teacher because I was able to guide you, protect you, educate you, and prepare you for what lies ahead. But now has come the time to say goodbye, and my promise to you is to stay in touch and witness your accomplishments from afar. Thank you for allowing me to teach you and make long-lasting bonds forever. Thank you for being an amazing class. Please write to me and continue to share your progress.


Your teacher

Well, what can I say? This was one of the hardest goodbyes I have had to do. This farewell letter still pops up in my mind as I wonder how they are, what they are thinking about, and how I can help them. However, though I am still thinking of them this way, I am the luckiest teacher in the world.

This farewell speech sample can be useful for teachers who need to say goodbye to their students. The speech goes on behalf of a teacher who expresses their warm feelings to students. This farewell speech sample for teachers is really touching, and if you want to write in the same way, you need to use it.

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Photo by StockSnap from Pixabay

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