Writing guides29 August 2019

How to Write an Opinion Essay in the Creative Way

An opinion essay is a rather standard type of essay with a five-paragraph structure. This essay involves evaluating different opinions to find out which are strong and which are weak for supporting your own viewpoint. If you want to know how to write an opinion essay, we will tell you how to do it in the proper way.

Steps for Writing an Opinion Essay

  1. Prior to writing, you need to gather information for your essay. You should ensure that the evidence you find will match your viewpoint. You should organize your ideas in the way you will use them in your paper. Choose the best ideas to present in the body paragraphs.
  2. How to start an opinion essay? You need to write an introduction where you will state your opinion clearly. Include a thesis statement in the last sentence of your introduction. While writing an introduction, you should make sure that you address the direction of the essay. Also, you may include a quote, an anecdote, or some other interesting information.
  3. Support your thesis statement in the body of your opinion essay. Every paragraph should present a separate viewpoint. The first sentence of each body paragraph should be a topic sentence. You should begin a new paragraph only when you have a new idea to present. For writing an opinion essay, it is advisable to use the present tense.
  4. Restate your opinion in a fresh way in the conclusion. Don’t write any new ideas in the final part of your essay. If you want to make your essay more interesting, end it with a provocative question, make a warning, or suggest some consequences.
  5. After writing the essay, you need to proofread and edit it. Ensure that the grammar is correct. Check whether you haven’t used slang and whether your essay flows from one idea to the next. Also, don’t forget to check spelling and capitalization.

How to Create an Opinion Essay Outline

You may not know this, but writing an outline will help you to avoid writer’s block and write a well-structured paper. An outline can provide you with a direction to go and all of important ideas will have their place. So, before you start writing your opinion essay, make a helpful outline. Here is a template for the outline:


– Grab readers’ attention
– Introduce the main topic
– Include a thesis statement

First body paragraph

– Write a topic sentence with the first reason
– Include supporting facts, examples, and statements

Second body paragraph

– Write a topic sentence with the second reason
– Include supporting facts, examples, and statements to support the second reason

Third body paragraph

– Write a topic sentence with the third reason
– Include supporting facts, examples, and statements to support the third reason


– Restate what you have said in the introduction
– Summarize your reasoning

Opinion Essay Format

A proper introduction is essential for writing an opinion essay. In this part of the essay, the writer must make it clear where he or she stands on the issue. Then, several body paragraphs must be written to support the main opinion of the paper. You need to convince readers that your viewpoint is more reasonable than the viewpoints made by others. Also, an opinion essay should have a conclusion that will sum up the whole paper. Restating points previously mentioned is essential here to make the reader understand the topic at hand. If you follow this format of writing an opinion essay, then you will have a great paper in the end.

Opinion Essay Examples

We have prepared examples of thesis statements for opinion essays.

Topic: Family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.
Thesis statement: The meaning of this statement is that the family is a social institution that has a great influence on the formation of the personality, and is an agent of primary socialization on which the future development of the person depends. It is the family that influences a person, and forms his or her world view and interests.

Topic: Revolutions are the barbaric way to progress.
Thesis statement: I agree with the statement, because, indeed, a revolution leads to fundamental changes associated with aggressive activities and is aimed at violent change in the social order.

Topic: The goal of a school should always be to bring up a harmonious personality, not a specialist.
Thesis statement: The main idea of this statement is that the duty of any school in the first place is not the teaching of specific disciplines, but the development of spiritual and social qualities in a person. I fully agree with this statement and I believe that this topic is relevant for the entire world community.

Opinion Essay Topics on Parents and Children

  1. When can parents be proud of their children?
  2. What is parental responsibility and what does it show?
  3. Does the historical era have an effect on the relations of parents and children?
  4. Is conflict between generations inevitable?
  5. Why is the problem of parents and children eternal?
  6. How can conflict between parents and children be avoided?
  7. Why is it sometimes difficult for older generations to understand young people?
  8. What is more important for children: advice from parents, or their example?
  9. What is wise parental love?

Opinion Essay Topics on Dreams and Reality

  1. What dream can be called noble?
  2. Does a dream always uplift a person?
  3. What actions indicate a person’s generosity?
  4. How is a person characterized by his dream?
  5. Can a dream change reality?
  6. Are dreams fruitless?
  7. Can big dreams and harsh reality coexist?
  8. What kind of person can be called an idle dreamer?
  9. What helps dreams come true?

Other Opinion Essay Topics

  1. Is it important to be able to forgive?
  2. Why do you need to learn to understand art?
  3. What work of art can be called great?
  4. What is the power of kindness?
  5. How are love and kindness related?
  6. Friendship is the biggest gift of life.

We hope that you are now able to write an interesting opinion essay. However, if you think that you can’t do it properly, we suggest you to get our writing help. The best way to succeed is to pay for an essay or get term paper help from EssayBulls.com. Our site will be helpful if you don’t want to deal with your writing assignments, or if you simply don’t have the time to do them.

  • I like how you described the opinion essay format. Nice tips, especially in the first part!

  • Sorry, can I get help on how to write an opinion essay introduction? I am a little bit lost! Anyway, this is great instruction to improve my writing!!!

    • Yes, sure! We are open for your call. Just fill the order form on our home page and wait for instructions on your mail. Also, you are welcome to find a lot of useful samples of opinion essay on our blog.

  • I’ve never heard about the difference between an ordinary essay and an opinion essay… You just opened my eyes!!!

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