Writing guides01 October 2019

How to Write a Thesis Statement – Deal With It Easily

Definition of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement of an essay, research paper, or other paper is a presentation of the main topic, your opinion concerning the topic, as well as the main argument. It is often assumed that the proof of this argument takes place in the text of the main body. If you want to learn how to write a thesis statement, you need to know its main purpose first.

Purpose of a Thesis Statement

The main purpose of writing any thesis statement is to summarize the available material, to give its essence in brief formulations, revealing the content of a relatively large essay or research paper. The thesis statement is used as a means to demonstrate deep understanding of an issue in a simple statement, to analyze it and create the possibility of opposing your thoughts to the thoughts of others, or additions to other thoughts.

It is by the quality of a thesis statement that readers will judge the entire paper as a whole and decide on the need to get acquainted with the material in full. Unsuccessfully written thesis statements can scare the reader away from an interesting academic paper. Conversely, a well-written thesis statement draws attention to both the paper and the writer.

Of course, in many respects the quality of the thesis statement is determined by the content of the paper, but it can either be spoiled by it, or presented in the best light. Most often in the practice of students, there is a situation where first they write thesis statements, which over time is expanded to the size of a paper.

The main difficulty in this case is that the author did not fully form the idea of what he or she wants to write. In research, this is a normal situation. First, the idea of what you want to write comes. The note will be brief, since there is nothing to write besides the general idea. Then you need to make a thesis statement from this idea. To make the idea clear to the reader, you need to argue it, introduce the reader to the problem, and outline other aspects of the paper. The initial description of all these aspects is as short as the description of the idea itself.

How to Write a Thesis Statement Step by Step

Step 1. Don’t repeat the question

Repeating the question is one of the most common mistakes while composing a thesis statement. You need to analyze the question and provide a logical response to it. You will not show understanding of the question by simply repeating the question. You need to define the main term in a question.

Step 2. Don’t use vague terms

Don’t use uncertain terms and expressions in your thesis statement. Don’t make broad sweeping statements. Using words such as “could,” “may,” and “might” show a lack of certainty and firmness in knowledge. Use verbs with high certainty and modality, such as “will,” “does,” etc. In this way, you will show that you are certain and confident in your argument.

Step 3. Use two sentences

If you feel that one sentence is not enough to explain the logic of your argument, write one more. In any case, your thesis statement should be competent. Sometimes, splitting the thesis into two sentences helps to detail the logic of your argument.

Step 4. Provide an answer to the question

It is common for students to answer the wrong question. This will harm the entire body of work, and you will need to rewrite it. When you need to answer the question, reread it several times to understand it fully and answer exactly what you were asked.

Step 5. Practice a lot

Obviously, you can’t write a quality thesis statement immediately. Practice will help you if you want to know how to create a thesis statement quickly. Actually, this concerns the whole essay. You can’t write good papers without practice.

Tips on How to Write a Good Thesis Statement

  • You may spend lots of time thinking how to formulate your thesis statement properly. Spend a significant amount of time of writing the thesis, as it is an important part of your introduction.
  • You shouldn’t write a thesis statement right after reading through your assignment. First, you need to look for sources, organize evidence, and look for relationships between known facts.
  • For the perception of your paper by an outsider who does not know the topic of research, it is necessary to write a clear thesis statement. You need to approach writing a thesis statement seriously, because this part of the introduction will show how well you know the topic.
  • While writing a thesis statement, you must demonstrate a deep acquaintance with the available sources, the ability for critical thinking, and an objective assessment made by your predecessors in mastering this topic.

How to Write a Thesis Statement – Examples

Here, we will present examples of essay thesis statements for different disciplines.

Topic: Kindness and cruelty
Thesis statement: Man is born good, and cruelty appears in response to the imperfections of the world.

We offer the following arguments:

  • Cruelty appears in humans when internal hardening occurs.
  • People become cruel because they were brutally treated.
  • Kindness is a natural gift that is not given to everyone.

Topic: Fathers and sons
Thesis statement: If children do not understand fathers, they not only repeat their mistakes, but add their own to them.

Arguments can be:

  • Denying the experience of elders, young people make lots of mistakes in their lives.
  • Parents do not always allow children to go their own way, and the misunderstanding between them increases as a result.
  • One cannot live for a child: answers must be found to questions by the individuals themselves.

The last argument sounds like a counter-argument, but it can also be useful for disclosing a topic.

Topic: Dream and reality
Thesis statement: Dreams come true if you apply real effort and real work to their execution.

Having voiced this thought in the introduction, let’s move on to the arguments:

  • A dream that is not supported by action is fruitless.
  • Empty dreams lead to frustration.
  • A dream is an inspiration, and the rest is work.

Topic: Art and craft
Thesis statement: There are thousands of artisans, but creators are few.

Our statement is not indisputable. Perhaps someone will want to know on the basis of what we have made such a conclusion. To substantiate the thesis, this statement is supported by arguments. For our example, these may be the following arguments:

  • Craft can be learned, but a creator must be born.
  • Craft is usually mastered for earnings, while the art is done for the soul.
  • Craft, which you surrender with talent and soul, becomes art. Art that has lost its aspiration to heaven is called a craft.

We hope you have a better idea on how to write a thesis statement for a research paper, essay, or other academic paper. As you can see, the thesis is the main statement of a scientific or academic paper. Its truth is proved by convincing arguments and reliable facts. In order not to forget what the thesis is in the essay, formulate the basic idea so that it sounds like your own opinion, like a personal discovery that you are ready to defend.

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