Writing guides05 April 2021

How To Write A Good Research Paper Fast? Find Out In Our Guide

Writing a research paper is among the most common assignments for students. Such academic papers are universal and can be written almost on any discipline or subject. We want to make it simple to understand the essential steps for completing such assignments.

What is a research paper?

Let us start our ultimate step-by-step guide on how to write a research paper with a definition. The easiest way to define a research paper is to describe it as a broad essay that includes such crucial elements as the author’s interpretation of facts and arguments. An effectively written research paper requires a writer to include and evaluate everything that relates to the subject to help readers understand the whole picture of a particular issue, event, person, or problematic.

How to Write a Research Paper?

Start with reading the task

Instructions from teachers usually contain everything related to papers. Read the assignment properly to define the following essentials on your future research paper as length, format and style, purpose, sources, and more. Be careful and do not rush when going through assignment details to not lose any vital requirements. If you have any questions to make the task details clearer, you need to address them to your teacher to be sure you got everything correct. If possible, you can even ask to provide you with a research paper example to see how it must look after you finish. Do not stop until you clarify everything related to your future research paper.

Select a topic

After you understand the instruction clearly, proceed with defining the topic of your paper. Usually, instructions contain a selection of several research paper topics from your teacher. In such a situation, you simply choose the best one from the list. Sometimes, the task includes a requirement to generate a topic for a research paper by yourself. The general rule on developing perfect research papers topics and topics for any other academic written assignments is to write about what you understand and have a passion for. In other words, the most effective papers are written about what you love. However, it is not the only criterion for choosing a good topic. Even if you are not fond of the topic, it could help your self-development or simply find out something new. Make sure that the topic correlates with the instructions. For example, if you need to write a hefty research paper, it will be hard to provide if you choose a narrow topic. Think strategically when it comes to research paper topics.

Conduct research

It is crucial to include several types of sources in your research. Nevertheless, it will depend on the discipline, but using various sources will make your arguments stronger. Try to use such types of sources as books, blogs, podcasts, vlogs, scientific articles, interviews with experts, and more.

Another crucial step of research is choosing respectful sources. Make the list of recommended sources from your teacher the base for your research. Also, widen the list with reliable ones. Dig deeper but always check whether the source is trustworthy enough to include in your paper.

Including various sources is vital to making it straightforward for your audience so that there are several opinions and points of view. By evaluating all of them, you will create an effective research paper.

Work with data and generate a thesis

Organize the information from your research. Arrange the bibliography following your task requirements and make it straightforward for yourself to find relevant data for each part of your paper. Now when you have all the information, you can state the main thesis. Simply, you need to define what your research paper is about and write it down briefly in 1-2 sentences. Pay attention to make the thesis definitive and formulate it the proper way by building it around core facts and opinions.

Outline and write the paper

When creating a research paper outline, you will require time. An effectively structured outline will become a perfect basis for the final version of your work. A good outline is irreplaceable in organizing your thoughts in a proper logical way. Usually, you are to include such elements as:

  • An abstract
  • An introduction
  • Review of literature
  • Research methods
  • Analysis
  • Discussion
  • Future scope
  • References

However, the listed sections’ content will depend on the instructions from your teacher and discipline; the structure of the research paper above is the full list.

We recommend avoiding perfectionism when writing a research paper. Go through the research results one more time before you proceed. One of the ultimate rules is to start with proving the thesis statement. Build the logical path from this point or make the thoughts flow and lead to proving the thesis statement. It would help if you started by presenting your ideas instead of talking over the ideas from the sources.

Remember that if you use quotations word for word, you must use quotation marks and add the information in the references list. If you paraphrase, you have to mention that the idea is not yours and recall the source.

Polish and edit your research paper

There are two core steps at this stage: content editing and grammar editing. When it comes to content, you should make sure that proper sources support all facts. Moreover, all the thoughts must be exposed. For grammar editing, we recommend using effective online tools such as Grammarly or Wordy.

Here is a practical checklist to make sure that writing a research paper is successful:

  • Is your thesis statement clear enough?
  • Is it easy to understand your thoughts? Are they appropriately arranged?
  • Are the sources credible and listed correctly?
  • Does the topic fit the requirements and whole task? Does it correlate with the content?
  • Is there any borrowed content in your research paper? Plagiarism issues?
  • Did you format the research paper following the instruction requirements?
  • Are there any mistypes, grammar, or spelling errors in the text?

A Research Paper Sample to Make Its Peculiarities Clear

How Computer Systems Impacted Air Travel

Through technological innovation, deregulation, and competitive advantage, airlines used computer reservation systems to sustain their operations and changed the way to air travel around the world.

After World War ll, the manufacturing industry started booming, and technology was helping people at their service industry jobs. People were spending and traveling more and more. Crowded flights, once a rarity, were starting to be more common. Airlines at first thought it would be a key feature to find ways to improve their reservation processes until they realized that it was not a feature but a necessity. They made a lot of errors trying to update their ticket office books from the central reservation archive in real-time.

An early upgrade was the use of top-notch electromechanical machines that could send signals across close distances to save manual steps, and logistics made the use for fewer calls. Ticket offices were aware that this was a neat upgrade, but still not enough.

American Airlines decided to ask IBM for help in their mission, and IBM had got some experience for the project since working with the Air Force on SAGE, an air defense system used for military intelligence at the escalation of the Cold War. SAGE was the largest computer project in the world during the 1950s and took IBM squarely into the new world of computing (“SAGE”).
IBM worked on a project for American and others called SABRE. It was finished in 1960, and the more terminals were installed across reservation centers, manually sending messages was less required, and the more ticket sales could be processed. This automation also almost totally reduced previous mistakes. This system was so good at transferring information that it was made able to get passengers information.

Now being capable of specific and real-time information was a holy grail that past solutions, as witty as they had been, were unable to solve. Now there is a clue to have a detailed passenger registration, which means taking the lead in travel industry technology.

Reservation systems, in general, were becoming very good at scheduling flights. They could schedule far ahead of time, take care of all their data, and terminal installation was becoming an essential element of airline ticket offices. With the top technology as it was, fliers could have a satisfactory reservation system, and still be left behind by these airline giants in the lead. IBM launched PARS in 1964 for more airlines to catch up in the reservation systems game.

In early 1965, Eastern Airlines was looking for a new automated reservation and ticketing system to give it a competitive edge over rivals (“Flying Eastern”). The following year, 1965, IBM worked with Eastern Airlines on System One, based on PARS. In 1971, IBM worked with United to launch Apollo, based on System One. And the year after that, American Airlines dropped a new SABRE, based on System One. By then, almost every major CRS used originated from the PARS.

Outside of the reservation system were the travel agencies, which were still dependent on the earlier solutions that airline logistics had left behind. To make them part of the system, the biggest airlines started offering their services to agencies, charging a monthly fee for access to their CRS and terminals under a long-term contract. And since vendors wanted access in effect to all of the airline’s reservations, airlines started to charge their bookings to other airlines’ systems.

The air deregulation act of 1979 gave more freedom to airlines on how to run themselves.

Now, there are more places to travel and services to enjoy for passengers, airlines skip bureaucratic steps, productivity is with profit, competition prices go down, and more innovations appear in air travel technology. Airlines that changed the way they do their operations saw no point in spending on ticket offices when agency vendors covered the role and also paid for the CRS service, so agency vendors started to make the majority of ticket sales on air travel. Since the systems at the lead of the industry were the most complex, expensive, and they secured their clients for a very long time, it was hard for other CRS to compete with SABRE, Apollo, and a few others.

Also, because CRS were owned by airlines, the bias against their other airlines produced many complaints through the years that called for regulation, since the CRS was designed to sell more tickets from the airline owner of the CRS than the other airlines. Nonetheless, the adoption of CRS in the sales agencies never stopped ascending. Some notable CRS that fought to have a share in the market were Galileo, created in Europe in 1987, and Worldspan, in 1990, from the United States to the rest of the agencies around the world.

Through the 1990s, the Department of Transport started enforcing new measures on airlines for fairness of competition at the same time that airlines started emancipating their CRS for them to be their own company. CRSs gained more influence as independent and increasingly global entities. Major airline mergers, acquisitions, and bankruptcies formed mega carriers that expanded into global markets (Habtemariam).

Amadeus bought System One and Apollo was merged into Galileo, and since they could cover their operations globally, they were now called global distribution systems (GDS). The rise of the internet made it possible for the creation of new technology, GNE, an alternative from GDS in which the agency has a service for direct contact with the ticket office, which reduces costs from skipping the intermediary fees.


“Flying Eastern.” IBM Archives: Flying Eastern, www.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/valueone/valueone_flying.html.
Habtemariam, Dawit. “A Brief History of Air Travel Distribution.” 28 Oct. 2018, www.businesstravelnews.com/Research/Distribution/A-Brief-History-of-Air-Travel-Distribution.
“SAGE.” IBM100 – SAGE, www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/sage/transform/.

How Can We Help You with Challenging Tasks?

We can do more than only tell how to write a research paper. If you need research topic ideas or research paper examples, you can read other articles on our blog. For example, you can find a selection of excellent academic sources for research papers and other valuable data related to the process of writing a research paper and more.

Moreover, EssayBulls is a professional team of writing experts who know everything related to academic assignments you might get from your teacher. When you are in need of speedy assistance with academic tasks, you can reach out to proficient authors by filling out the order form on our website. We are always there to give you a helping hand. We work to make your life less stressful and are ready to give you prompt answers to any questions related to our service. Buy college research paper of any difficulty level here.

Photo by bridgesward from Pixabay

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