Essay topics08 July 2019

All Kinds of ‘Don Quixote’ Topics – Make Your Choice

We have collected “Don Quixote” topics for those who need to write a paper on this book. Look through our lists to choose the topic you like or to come up with your own idea.

Argumentative “Don Quixote” Essay Topics

  1. Argue whether or not Don Quixote helps or hurts humanity.
  2. Consider how Don Quixote’s madness is portrayed in the novel.
  3. What would happen to a modern-day Don Quixote? Are there examples in literature or film from the last 30 years that approach this subject in a similar way?
  4. There is an expression dating from the 16th century but is still in common use. It claims that “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” How could this phrase be used in connection with “Don Quixote”?
  5. Why do the “princesses” need to hand feed Don Quixote?
  6. How does the author use the character’s (Don Quixote) verbalization to show how we may perceive them?
  7. What is the tale’s relationship to the main narrative in “Don Quixote”?
  8. What is Don Quixote’s view and/or attitude towards social classes other than his own?
  9. Does Don Quixote choose to be delusional?
  10. Morality and/or the chivalric code in “Don Quixote.”
  11. Many characters in “Don Quixote” serve as foils, or opposites, of other characters. What role do these opposed pairs play in developing the novel’s themes?
  12. What makes “Don Quixote” a novel?

Descriptive “Don Quixote” Paper Topics

  1. Describe the friendship of Don Quixote with Sancho Panza. What kind of a friendship is it? Is it real friendship?
  2. Describe how the novel portrays class status with narrative.
  3. Describe realism in “Don Quixote.”
  4. Describe notions of love and romance in “Don Quixote.”
  5. Describe one of the three contrasts inherent to Don Quixote.
  6. Describe Don Quixote’s mental state.
  7. Describe the ideas of Rene Descartes in relation to “Don Quixote” and “Candide,” focusing especially on how these readings offer examples that confirm or belie Descartes’ theories.
  8. Describe narrative modes that Cervantes uses in “Don Quixote,” and why.
  9. Describe how violence is presented in “Don Quixote.”
  10. Describe how Cervantes presents complexities of fact and fantasy, truth and lies, and justice and injustice.

Discussion Topics in “Don Quixote”

  1. Discuss Altisidora as an example of a puppeteer who loses control.
  2. Discuss how romantic love is depicted in the novel.
  3. Discuss how sympathy for the Moorish population of Spain is presented in “Don Quixote.”
  4. Discuss the best stage adaptations of the story of “Don Quixote.”
  5. Discuss the role of parody in “Don Quixote.”
  6. Discuss how philosophical idealism is presented in “Don Quixote.”
  7. Discuss how the strength of Don Quixote’s belief affects his deeds.
  8. Discuss why Don Quixote is an ultimate idealist.
  9. Discuss why Sancho Panza is a realist by nature.
  10. Discuss why Cervantes doesn’t support the idealism found in traditional chivalric romance novels.
  11. Discuss how Cervantes made the hero crazy, and how madness protects Don Quixote from the imperfections of the world.
  12. Discuss why the hero does not notice the evil ridiculing and bullying, and is always ready to help those who are humiliated and insulted.
  13. Do you agree that Don Quixote is a man who in order to achieve a lofty goal is ready to go contrary to generally accepted opinions? Discuss.

Persuasive “Don Quixote” Research Topics

  1. Do ideas of honor and virtue go hand in hand in “Don Quixote”?
  2. Did a woman’s virtue encompass her modesty and her chastity in “Don Quixote”?
  3. Is honor more important than a person’s morals in “Don Quixote”?
  4. Is love a common thread in “Don Quixote”?
  5. Is Don Quixote actually insane?
  6. How does Cervantes raise questions of insanity with regard to other characters in “Don Quixote”?
  7. How are peasants depicted in “Don Quixote”?
  8. What are similarities between Cervantes and Don Quixote?
  9. What is the most famous scene from the novel and why?
  10. Is “Don Quixote” a book made of preexisting books? Why?
  11. What writers were inspired by “Don Quixote”?
  12. Why is “Don Quixote” considered one of the best books in the world?
  13. Is “Don Quixote” a parody of the romance of chivalry?
  14. In what way does Cervantes show the reader what will happen if you blindly believe your attitudes and back them up with actions that run counter to rational behavior?
  15. Did Cervantes deal with the task to portray the ideal hero in an imperfect, hostile world? How?

10 Quotes From “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes

The central book in the works of Spanish writer and playwright Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) was the legendary novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha.” For more than 400 years, this book has been one of the most popular works of world literature. The history of the adventures of the knight of a sad image and his squire Sancho Panza formed the basis of numerous theatrical performances and films.

In 2002, the Norwegian Book Club and the Norwegian Nobel Institute invited 100 writers from 54 countries to compile a list of the 100 most significant works of world literature. According to the results of the voting, “Don Quixote” by Cervantes scored 50% more votes than any other novel. It was voted the best book of all time.

We selected 10 quotes from it:

  • Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.
  • The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.
  • This fierce basilisk, this ungrateful, cruel, supercilious wretch, will neither seek, serve, own, nor follow you in any shape whatever.
  • Can there be hope where fear is? Were it well,
    When far more certain are the grounds of fear?
  • By the Blessed Virgin! Is it possible that your grace is so thickheaded and so short on brains that you cannot see that what I’m telling you is the absolute truth.
  • …all human efforts to communicate—even in the same language—are equally utopian, equally luminous with value, and equally worth the doing.
  • What I can tell your grace is that it deals with truths, and they are truths so appealing and elegant that no lies can equal them.
  • At this the duchess, laughing all the while, said: “Sancho Panza is right in all he has said, and will be right in all he shall say.”
  • Fortune always leaves a door open in adversity in order to bring relief to it.
  • There is no book so bad…that it does not have something good in it.

Don Quixote Writing Assistance from Pro Writers

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  • I had task from my teacher to describe Don Quixote, but I didn’t know where to start. These topics inspired me a lot to write about this character! Thanks!!!

  • There are a couple interesting topics that draw a parallel between the genre of the novel and call it a parody. I have a question on this basis, what makes ‘Don Quixote’ a parody?

    • Despite the fact that the backbone of ‘Don Quixote’ novel is a serious idea, this masterpiece has elements of parody as well. The main theme is everyone who is sincere can be a hero, and with the help of parody, the author unleashes the 17th century’s obsession with romantic novels about damsels in distress and knights who save them.

  • I was looking for a catchy Don Quixote essay topic and just found it here! Great job >_<

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