Writing guides02 December 2021

A Critical Analysis Essay and the Ways to Deal With It

What is underlying the definition of analyzing something? This is the author’s viewpoint, where they reveal information about any kind of composition from various aspects. For instance, when a student has a task writing a critical analysis essay about an article, they can share their thoughts about this piece from a personal perspective. Still, it is crucial to answer the main questions and not go into like/dislike concepts. Follow further recommendations EssayBulls prepared for you to add more interesting things to your critical analysis!

What Is a Critical Analysis Essay?

This is a piece of writing where the author shows their reading, analytical, and writing skills. Depending on which essay topic a student is assigned to write, they can provide a specific statement and prove it with evidence from the source. There are many things to investigate in a critical analysis essay. Students or professional analytics can write a critical overview on an article, nonfiction, fiction, movie, art composition, music, or another masterpiece.

How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay

Many approaches are helpful in the critical analysis essay writing process. Students use many methods to proceed with this task. For instance, you can follow this classical version to analyze any work:

  1. Choose your idea from various critical analysis essay topics.
  2. Read the source if it is in text format (article or book) or get acquainted with stories about a certain piece of art (picture, mosaic, statue).
  3. Note down your thoughts concerning research you’ve done in the previous stage.
  4. Brainstorm and write topic sentences for each critical analysis essay element: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion.
  5. Write the whole draft. Enrich research details with your own position towards the topic.
  6. Edit your text with the help of your friend or teacher. Also, you can leave an essay draft for a while and then return to it after. Editing your analysis independently will help you to enrich not only writing but revising skills as well.

Otherwise, you can try to write a critical analysis essay example to use it as a source for further tasks based on another principle:

  1. Collect all necessary information about the topic. You can base your analytical essay on the main source you write about or research for more details concerning the specific composition from other references.
  2. Write the body paragraphs first. Rely on your feelings and ideas about the piece of work you are reviewing on.
  3. Come up with a thesis statement. It should be based on the main point you can take from already written body paragraphs.
  4. Wrap up complete information in the concluding paragraph.
  5. Read what you have and edit the critical analysis essay based on logical order (introduction, body paragraph, and summary).

It doesn’t matter which steps you follow to write an analysis essay – write your first critique according to the academic requirements, and you need to follow the standard structure of a critical analysis essay.

Structure of Critical Analysis Essay

As you can see in any critical analysis essay example, they have standard parts built in strict logical order. Consider these elements to make your analysis look polished and understandable for a wide audience.

1. Introduction

  • Hook

In this sentence, you need to engage your audience as much as possible. Represent the topic and how it connects with your review. Readers should understand that your analytical essay would be interesting for them to find out not only the summary of the reviewed composition but also to find your personal viewpoint about it.

  • Thesis statement

In this section, you can stand for a personal approach and tell readers what you research for in the specific composition. Tell whether you agree or not with the author’s perspective. Mention what’s hooked you in a particular chapter or quote and rely on the author’s writing style.

  • Key points

Here, you can dedicate a couple of sentences to your research methods. Present how you’ve compounded your thoughts about the literary, video, or art composition you are writing on. Also, you can include how many evidence points you will show your readers in the body paragraphs related to the thesis statement.

2. Body paragraphs

Usually, there are three central elements in any critical analysis essay example – the body paragraphs. For its part, each body paragraph has similar content and includes a topic sentence, details of evidence, and personal thinking.

  • Topic sentence

For instance, if you are writing a critical analysis essay on “Clockwork Orange,” depending on the title, you can write a topic sentence for one of the body paragraphs this way:

“This controversial story reflects many aspects modern society faces while ignoring youth development. In my opinion, it was Anthony Burgess’ idea to show teenage problems and rude government schemes to fight this discrepancy.”

This can be the basis for further support with the evidence. It is good to provide citations from the novel and reflect on this later on. Meanwhile, you can add more topic sentences to analyze the literary composition. The more topic sentences you add, the more paragraphs you’ll have in the essay’s body.

One more topic sentence example for “Clockwork Orange” critical analysis essay:

“The author perfectly shows the importance of a non-pressure approach to help young people pass through the adult phase that will lead to a successful outcome free from pain and suffering for everyone involved.”

  • Evidence

This part of the body paragraph could be a quote or fact from the author’s biography. Actually, it can be anything related to the topic sentence and enrich the thesis statement of your critical analysis essay.

  • Personal overview

In this part, you can reflect on your thoughts about the story. Tell readers how the author made the story interesting. If it has some controversial moments, you can review them without overwhelming the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

3. Summary or conclusion

  • The way you’ve reached your idea

In the last paragraph, you need to summarize the points and tell how they’ve helped you deliver a thesis statement to the audience.

  • Personal recommendations

If it is a movie analysis, you can suggest it to readers and provide reasons why they should watch it.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics

  1. How should a remake of the classical movie be done? (Specify with assigned example)
  2. What was Horatio’s role in Shakespeares’s play “Hamlet”?
  3. How were the social injustice concepts described in “Oliver Twist”?
  4. Analyze the repetitive literature genre in a particular period.
  5. How were literary devices used in your favorite classical novel?
  6. How had the authors of the 20th century used black humor in their works?
  7. Research the background of an author and reflect on how it was applied to his literary works.
  8. Describe a critical dialogue in your favorite play or novel.
  9. Which literary compositions have secondary characters that act as main characters?
  10. What was the author’s primary message?

10 Tips to Consider Writing a Critical Analysis Essay

  • Always name the author of the work you are writing a critical analysis essay about. Also, mention the title of the article, book, art composition, audio, or video.
  • Read carefully all you are going to analyze later on in your review.
  • Think about the writer’s concept, writing style, overall story, and literary devices used to deliver the main idea to the audience.
  • Answer main questions:

– Who or what is this current article (book, post) about?
– Why is this material crucial for research today?
– When was the story written?
– How is it related to the author’s life or current situation worldwide?
– Which aspects would you focus on while writing the same story instead of the author?

  • Avoid reflecting on only bad or good things about the material. Be unbiased!
  • Stay simple. Don’t overwhelm your critical analysis essay with unnecessary details if you’re in doubt.
  • Be original! This is one of the main points of a successful critical analysis essay example. Readers feel the honesty in the text and like to read stories presented from a special angle.
  • To write an interesting critical analysis and follow the earlier point, come up with a topic that touches your heart. Then you have no chance to borrow another writer’s thoughts about the composition. If you’re not assigned any specific question, select one by yourself!
  • Edit wisely. Edit one more time!
  • Write several drafts. Plan your time not to hurry if you need to rewrite your critical analysis essay if necessary.

Critical Analysis Essay Example

Critical Analysis Essay – Importance of Educated Parents in a Child’s Upbringing

Parents have a crucial role in shaping a child’s thoughts, beliefs, values, and even emotions. They impact the overall well-being of the child and influence their perception and behaviors towards themselves and the world around them. Education equips parents with the necessary and even advanced knowledge in raising their children. They possess pertinent characteristics and skills learned from formal schooling and training. Educated parents have the resources and relevant education important to the child’s proactive and positive upbringing.

Parents who attended formal education have a high chance of good job opportunities. Education trains and prepares individuals to be professionals that benefit both their families and society. Professional parents have access to opportunities that will sustain a good living. In return, these parents are able to provide for the child’s needs and wants. Such resources are helpful to encourage the child’s milestones and critical stages. They can manage to afford things that will support the child’s education such as school supplies and gadgets, and they can even finance a private tutorship program and other off-school activities that will enhance the child’s potential like boot camps, swimming classes, art classes, and so on. Parents can also buy their children toys and other resources encompassing the child’s interests and entertainment. These are important because enjoyable activities alleviate the child’s stress and other negative emotions.

The educational level of parents serves as an important predictor of children’s educational and behavioral outcomes (Dubow & Huesmann, 2009). Educated parents can guide their children’s education by being their advisers, mentors, and trainers. Some children might even have the aspirations to go after their parents’ profession when they grow up. Education does not only let children acquire important knowledge but it can also shape their morals and values in life. Though education is salient, parents also need to inculcate goodness and virtues to their children.
Hence, educated parents can inspire their children to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, social and healthcare workers, teachers, and more, and good upbringing leads such aspirations with goals and purpose. Good upbringing governs a little girl’s dream to become a future doctor to help the less fortunate who cannot afford to go to the hospital to be treated, or inspires a noble teacher to educate street children. The education of the parents influences the child’s value towards education.

The social-cognitive-ecological model of Huesmann tells that habitual behaviors are formed by social information processing. Children’s behaviors are significantly affected and influenced by their family systems and dynamics. Given that the parents’ education provides them advanced knowledge on how to communicate and connect with their children especially during critical stages like adolescence, children’s behaviors will be positively enforced, especially those that are crucial in building and maintaining relationships and communication. The family environment led by parents will shape behaviors of children that they will hold up to adulthood.

Educated parents impact the child’s growth and development. These parents have better opportunities to support and sustain their child’s needed resources. They also have the knowledge and skills acquired from formal schooling and training as guides for their roles to influence the behaviors and the overall well-being of the child in positive ways.


Dubow, E. F., Boxer, P., & Huesmann, L. R. (2009). Long-term effects of parents’ education on children’s educational and occupational success: Mediation by family interactions, child aggression, and teenage aspirations. Merrill-Palmer quarterly (Wayne State University. Press), 55(3), 224–249. https://doi.org/10.1353/mpq.0.0030.
Dubow, E. F., Huesmann, L. R., & Boxer, P. (2009). A social-cognitive-ecological framework for understanding the impact of exposure to persistent ethnic-political violence on children’s psychosocial adjustment. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 12(2), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10567-009-0050-7.

Find Out How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay With EssayBulls

So, what is a critical analysis essay? This part of academic writing is easy to cope with, especially if you are writing it with EssayBulls! Our specialists wait for your call to keep your studying productivity on the highest level. Let us know which problem you face, and then you’ll get a list of bids from our writers in no time. You can choose one who fits your educational requirements and start cooperating for an affordable price!

At our service, you’ll get help on the structure of critical analysis essays, topic selection, and overall writing improvement. Moreover, EssayBulls has much useful information on other writing tasks. You can always pay for college essay or any other paper type and get a well-researched paper sample from us!

Photo by Lauren Mancke from Unsplash

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